October 2015

Diamond Properties

Thank you for a lovely weekend. It was very well organized and really enjoyable. It is the only exhibition where we can get away with bringing our 7 year old son and a dog! We got some extra properties to market, some holiday rentals and some buyers. Much appreciated. Joanna Lopes

Dr. Krystov

Just a quick BIG.. THANK YOU!!  for all of your tremendous work in making the Fair a great success!  We had a terrific time, and I can only imagine all of the work you both did in the weeks before and during the Fair weekend and what takes place in wrapping it all up. Hope you are enjoying a well deserved rest!! Many thanks! Dr. Krystov and Carla

Mucky Mutts

The Fair was very successful as potential clients they met at the Fair are now customers, so it was money well spent and they will definitely do it again next year.  We have only been in The Portugal News for one week and we are already getting a response. Clients are saying that they saw us at the Fair and have seen our ad in the Newspaper.

Apolonia Supermarkets

Apolonia Supermarkets congratulates the Portugal News team for their  kind invitation, allowing us to be a part of this most unforgettable  weekend. It was a great pleasure and experience to have been a part of such a  well organized event. The success achieved was immensely gratifying and also the Apolonia green recyclable bags looked good in the picture! Andreia Pintassilgo Dept. Marketing e Comunicao

Alan Sheppard

Pennie and I were delighted with our sales and customer exposure from this years fair. I only wish that we could attend an Algarve Fair every week. ..! Best Wishes, Alan Sheppard
